Tuesday, 22 May 2018

EXP 3- The Concept

Upon reading Catherine Foster's book 'Small House Living Australia,' I was surprised to learn of many projects having been undertaken locally, to increase sustainability and affordability for housing in Australia. I thought that many of the key concepts used for the aforementioned projects could be applied to this assignment, as well as architectural practice in general.

From here, I picked out some key terminologies, and developed my own concept that I want to follow for my architectural school/bridge.

"The most harmonious spaces diversify how form and function interplay."

For me, this means that for a space to work well, it should have both form and function. However, if these can be adapted to work with each other, than the space can transcend being just a floor and four walls. In particular, both form and function should focus on the principles of sustainability.


Foster, Catherine, Small House Living Australia, Penguin Random House Australia, Sydney 2017


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