The words I based my final model on were frame, freedom, gears and wheels.
Frame- The upper studio is inspired from one of my rough sketches, as well as my initial model. The building has two framed glass panels on opposite sides, to give the impression of a framed piece of art. Furthermore, the glass skylight adds to this illusion.
Freedom- CJ Hendry's artwork highlights how art can take any form, and can be deceiving in nature. Inspired by the Gehry Biomuseo, I used bright colours, contrasting with the black building to create the illusion of a floating rectangular prism, which is actually supported by many cylindrical pillars.
Gears- The lower showroom takes the shape of five circles meshed together. I then used a gear motif on the floor to display the inspiration behind the shaped design.
Wheels- The circular design of the Revival Cycles showroom was also heavily influenced by the wheel. Furthermore, I kept this word in mind when designing the staircase, which included a ramp.
The above animation represents three animations put together. Rather than submitting three, twenty second animations, I thought this longer animation told the story and highlighted he connection between the two buildings better.
I had a lot of fun exploring sketch-up, and hopefully my skills can continue to grow to make some even better models in the future.